Our Services

Resetting strategic direction, developing strategic plans and priorities



Assisting businesses to redefine their strategic direction and converting new organisational aspirations into practical outcomes.

Developing strategic plans, including plan-on-a-page formats, and specifying organisational direction, goals and priorities.

Samples of previous work

Greyhound racing industry: Analysis of the issues confronting the industry and its thousands of trainers, breeders, owners, rearers and breakers to produce recommendations to bring about culture change in the industry in order to restore its social licence.

Parliament of Victoria: Development of the Parliament of Victoria’s ‘Strategic Directions 2015-2018’ on behalf of the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, the President of the Legislative Council and the heads of the three parliamentary departments.

Samples of previous work

County Court of Victoria: Development of a long-term court strategy for The County Court to reinforce its position as a contemporary, efficient, valuable community institution and considering its independence as well as interdependence with the Supreme Court and the Magistrates Court.

Judicial College of Victoria: Development of a Statement of Strategic Direction and Implementation Plan for the Judicial College of Victoria to establish it as the premium provider of information and professional development opportunities for all judges and judicial officers in Victoria’s six courts and tribunals.

Development of strategies for a national concrete and stone supplies business in partnership with regional leadership teams.

Development of the Australia Pacific strategy for a global industrial energy provider and cascading the overall strategy to each region.

Conducting organisational strategy reviews



Completing formal reviews of strategy, goals and priorities, functions and processes.

Evaluating ‘Strategic readiness’ – the ability of businesses to embark on a nominated strategic pathway and the capability development required.

Samples of previous work

Department of Parliamentary Services: Review of accounting, administration, budget and risk capabilities, processes and structure in the Parliament of Victoria.

Essential Services Commission of South Australia: Development of a good practice industry regulation and stakeholder service model for ESCOSA.

Greyhound racing regulator: Review of the structure and processes and recommend adjustments to enable this statutory body to more effectively perform is its roles of regulating and promoting greyhound racing in the state.

Samples of previous work

Faith-based not-for-profit: Development of a strategic readiness assessment for this broad-service not-for-profit engaged in aged, community and disability services, operating in a sector where competitors are responding to the recommendations of the Productivity Commission Inquiry Report ‘Caring for Older Australians’.

University of Tasmania: Assessment of requirements to successfully launch and operate an innovative tertiary education model, UTAS College.

Assisting boards to engage productively with strategy



Assisting boards to make a constructive contribution to business strategy without usurping the authority of the Executive.


Samples of previous work

Professional associations: Strategic planning for several professional associations to review member services and restore membership numbers – CPA Australia, Australian Human Resources Institute, Association of Corporate Counsel Australia, Recruitment and Consulting Services Australia, Australian and New Zealand Insurance and Finance Institute, Australasian Philosophers Association.

Baptcare: Assisting the board to formulate long term, horizon 3 strategies for this not-for-profit and feed these with appropriate detail to the executive for further analysis and action.

Royal Australian College of Surgeons: Strategic planning for the boards of specialties within RACS (Breast Surgeons, Colorectal Surgeons, Emergency Surgeons).


Strategy implementation and stakeholder engagement



Developing staged high-level strategy implementation plans for transforming organisations covering structure adjustments, process renewal, capability development and culture strengthening.

Developing communication and employee engagement strategies and assessment of strategy leadership gaps at senior manager levels.

Samples of previous work

Court Services Victoria: Developing strategic and business plans for Court Services Victoria post the separation of Victoria’s six courts and tribunals from the Department of Justice and Regulation under the democratic principle of Separation of Powers.

Parliamentary Departments Victoria: Development of strategy and business / annual plans for the Department of the Legislative Assembly, Department of the Legislative Council, Department of Parliamentary Services and Parliamentary Committees.

Samples of previous work

Energy Safe Victoria: Assessment of the strategic leadership capabilities of executives and middle managers at ESV.

Laureate International Universities: Development of strategy, implementation plan and capability assessment to consolidate the Australian portfolio of this international university comprising several acquired educational institutions in the higher education and vocational education sectors.