Our Offer

Our co-creation partnerships and discovery methodologies combine your corporate knowledge with our experience, analytical and advisory skills. The result is realistic transformations with staged implementation action plans.

Our Services

We assist clients to reset strategic direction, develop strategic plans and priorities and engage with stakeholders to simplify strategy implementation. We conduct organisational reviews and work with boards to optimise their contribution to strategy.

Our Research

We conduct ongoing research to help us grapple with the complexities of your strategic transformation.

Our People

Dexis consists of a small number of core consultants who are expert analyst advisors. We use additional associates with specific expertise to supplement our resources for certain types of work.

How you benefit from co-created strategy


by managers who will implement transformation and who have a genuine interest in improving future organisational performance


by respecting the client's experience of their organisation, its challenges and opportunities

Evidence-based quality

through consideration of hard data, primary and secondary research as well as a broad range of respected expert opinion

Cost effectiveness

co-creation makes implementation efficient and clarifies the role of leaders in organisational change